Donna Noble jacket + Sewing Room

I wasn’t happy with ANY of the fabric samples I got for fabric for my Donna Noble jacket. And I couldn’t afford leather.
So – I found a vintage leather jacket on ebay and got it. It’s not bad.

The jacket I bought to mod for Donna Noble, as it first came to me. I found this on ebay and thought the colour/style was close enough I could do a few tweaks and have a decent jacket.I had wanted to make the jacket from scratch - but buying the leather outright was going to kill my budget, so modding a found piece it | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram
The colour isn’t 100% there, but it’s not NEARLY as orange as it looks in this pic. I think the tone is right, just more saturated. The good thing is – since it’s leather, I can dye it, if I’m feeling adventurous. I wouldn’t have been able to do that with the various pleather and vinyl samples I got that weren’t quite there. Not sure if I want to dye it or leave it as is – I’m going to have to think on it and see if I feel like doing that. I’ve got my eye on a colour called “range” which looks pretty good.

I’m sure if the person who sold me this jacket saw the carnage I inflicted on it, they’d demand it back.

Doing surgery on the jacket. I removed the collar so I could change the shape of it! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

The horror!
I took the collar off, unpicked the top stitching and rehemmed it to be round. I also unpicked the front of the jacket down to the waist, since I need to even them out a bit.
It came with a belt, which I was happy for since I’d have a LITTLE extra fabric – but it’s got stitching ALL over it, which means it’s got holes all over it. But, I think my collar is going to be a little “short” – so I’m unpicking the belt to see if I can use it at the neck to give the collar a little more length.

Chase also put my pics up in my office!

Oh, and we got a new car. Chase’s car was on its last leg. Got a Toyota Sequoia. I’m all excited because it means no more renting a van for dragoncon – it’s about the same storage space as the Town and Country van we always rented.

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